2024 Football Homecoming Queen and CourtThank you KP photography!
Welcome to Mohawk Country!
NHS Marching Mohawks
NHS Football TeamThanks to Kevin Hoops picture credit
NHS VolleyballThanks to Kevin Hoops picture credit
NHS Soccer TeamThanks to Kevin Hoops picture credit
NHS Golf TeamThanks to Kevin Hoops picture credit
NHS Lady Mohawks GolfThanks to Kevin Hoops picture credit
NHS Football CheerleadersThanks to Kevin Hoops picture credit
Public Notice
The Northwest Local School District is aware of a rumored threat made against our schools that is circulating among the student body. Northwest Schools takes all threats seriously, implements immediate security protocols. The District is taking
extra precautions as the safety of students and staff is of paramount importance. Any student found to make threats against a school will be disciplined per the Northwest Schools Code of Conduct and may face criminal charges.

We wanted our families to be aware that this situation is on our radar and that authorities are taking the reported threat very seriously.

As always, we appreciate the diligence of our law enforcement partners in situations such as these. Your child’s safety is always our highest priority, and we take every report very seriously. At Northwest Local Schools, we teach our students that if you see something or hear something; you should say something to an adult. Please use this as an opportunity to reiterate that practice and help us ensure a safe environment for all our students.
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
Northwest Local School District will participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), which means all children will receive breakfast/lunch at no charge.  To determine eligibility for various additional state and federal program benefits that your child's school may qualify for, please complete this form.

Chili Cook-Off Fall Festival
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ESC News pertaining to Student Safety
School Safety

The South Central Ohio Educational Service Center would like for the community of Northwest Local School District to be aware of the important news regarding the Statement of Threat newsletter.
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Free and Reduced Lunch

SOMC Northwest Family Practice


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SOMC Northwest Family Practice
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