Northwest Local Schools - Special Board Meeting
Special Meeting (Administrative office) - The Board will meet in special session on Wednesday, February 19th at 6pm for the purpose of participating in a board workshop. There will be no business conducted at the workshop.

Northwest Local School DistrictAdministration Building
Northwest Board Office
Northwest Local School DistrictNorthwest Elementary School
Northwest Elementary School
Northwest Local School DistrictNorthwest High School
Northwest High School
Northwest Local School DistrictNorthwest Middle School
Northwest Middle School
Superintendent's Message
Lunch Menus
Board of Education
Ohio Means Jobs
Public Notice - Project ADAM
Dear Parents,

Every year, 1 out of every 75 schools throughout the country will experience a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) event. When SCA happens, it is essential that life-saving measures be taken very quickly to ensure the victim has the best chance for survival. We are excited to announce that Northwest Local School District is working with Project ADAM Ohio through Nationwide Children’s Hospital to become a Heart-Safe Organization. We have done this by making sure our school has Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) throughout the school district, where they can be quickly accessed in case of an emergency. Our staff has had training on recognizing the signs and symptoms of SCA, as well as training on how to initiate CPR and use the AEDs. We also have a designated cardiac response team made up of staff with additional training to respond to heart emergencies.

To ensure our district is fully prepared, we will be performing occasional cardiac arrest drills. The phrase “Code Heart Drill” will be used during drills and “Code Heart” when an actual event occurs. These drills will have minimal impact on the school day. During the drill, there will be an overhead announcement. We do this to minimize hall traffic during the event. Depending on where the drill takes place, some students may be moved to a different room for the duration of the drill. In general, the drill takes between 4-7 minutes. Again, we are excited that Northwest Local School District is able to offer this protection to our students, staff, athletes, and visitors. Please let us know if you have any questions.

For more information on Project ADAM, you can visit the following websites:

Public Notice - Ohio Senate Bill 29

Ohio Senate Bill 29

Northwest Local School District


Ohio Revised Code §3319.327

This notice is provided to meet requirements implemented through Ohio Senate Bill 29 ("SB29") that was passed by the Ohio General Assembly, effective on October 24, 2024.

While students have no right or expectation of privacy when using District technology resources, the Northwest Local School District (also referred to as the "District") and certain third-party technology providers that provide services through a contract with the District are prohibited by State law from electronically accessing or monitoring certain features on school-issued devices provided to students unless a legally permissible exception exists. The prohibited features include location-tracking features of a school-issued device, audio or visual receiving, transmitting, or recording features of a school-issued device, and student interactions with a school-issued device including, but not limited to, keystrokes and web-browsing activity. School-issued devices are defined as any hardware, software, devices, or accounts that a school district provides to an individual student for that student's personal use.


The Northwest Local School District is required to annually provide parents and guardians with this general notice that informs you, the District, and its technology providers of the plans to electronically access or monitor your student's school-issued devices for the following permissible reasons:

1. Activity that is limited to non-commercial educational purposes for instruction, technical support, or exam proctoring by School District employees or staff contracted by the District. Teachers may monitor students as they work on assignments during class to ensure they are staying on task.

2. Pursuant to a judicial warrant. The District is required to comply with a lawfully issued warrant that directs the District, technology providers, or law enforcement to conduct a search of data. District becomes aware that a student's device is lost or stolen, in which case the District or technology provider might access and monitor data to discover when and where the device last interacted with the District's systems.

4. Activity is necessary to respond to a threat to life or safety. The access is limited to this purpose alone. For instance, the District may receive alerts about possible self-harm indicators on student devices that prompt an investigation, which involves accessing or monitoring student data. The District implements other protocols such as contacting parents/guardians and/or first responders.

5. Compliance with Federal and/or State laws. The District may be required to comply with a law that places an obligation on the District to access or monitor devices.

6. Required as part of a Federal or State funding program. For example, to comply with the requirements of the Federal E-Rate funding programs, the District filters all student Internet access pursuant to the Children's Internet Protection Act. This includes filtering materials that are obscene, objectionable, inappropriate, and/or harmful to minors.

This electronic monitoring can only occur when advance notice is provided. No further notice is required for the District to monitor under reason #1. In the event that one of the circumstances listed in reasons #2-#6 occurs, the District will provide you with a seventy-two (72) hour notice of what features of the device were accessed, a written description of the circumstance, and description of the threat, if any. If the notice itself could pose a threat to life or safety, the seventy-two (72) hour notice will be provided within seventy-two (72) hours after the threat has ended.

Public Notice
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
Northwest Local School District will participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), which means all children will receive breakfast/lunch at no charge.  To determine eligibility for various additional state and federal program benefits that your child's school may qualify for, please complete this form.

District News
The 2024-2025 Sport Physical
The 2024-2025 Sport Physical is now available.  
Sports Physical 2024-2025 SY.pdf

SaferOH Tip Line
The Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Public Safety launched the SaferOH tip line that will accept both calls and texts 24 hours a day for schools that register for the service.  
Calls or texts to 844-SaferOH (844-723-3764) are answered by analysts in the Ohio Homeland Security’s Threat Assessment and Prevention (TAP) Unit.

rss feed
Immunization Information and Requirements

Immunization Information and Requirements

Just a reminder: Students in Kindergarten, 7th, and 12th have required immunizations before they return to school to avoid exclusion from school. Please bring documentation of your child's completed immunizations to the open-house on August 16th to give to the school nurse.

Pre-School: If you have not provided the school with your child’s shot record, please do so. If you are uncertain whether your child is up-to-date on immunizations, please contact your child’s healthcare provider.

Kindergarten: Typically, children entering Kindergarten need to have vaccinations prior to starting school. Please make certain that your child’s shot record is up-to-date and a copy is provided to your child’s school. If you have questions about immunizations, please contact your child’s healthcare provider.

7th grade: Incoming 7th graders are required by law to have Tdap and meningitis vaccines. Please make certain that your child has received these vaccines and an updated copy of your child’s shot record is provided to your child’s school. Vaccines may be obtained from your child’s healthcare provider, the Scioto County Health Department, the Portsmouth City Health Department, or Kroger, Walmart and CVS Pharmacies.

12th Grade: Incoming 12th graders are required by law to have a meningitis vaccine after age 16. Please make certain that your child has received this and an updated copy of your child’s shot record is provided to your child’s school. Vaccines may be obtained from your child’s healthcare provider, the Scioto County Health Department, the Portsmouth City Health Department, or Kroger, Walmart and CVS Pharmacies. At this time, the Northwest Family Healthcare Center is only able to give vaccines to those students with private insurance coverage.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school nurse.

Northwest Elementary School- (740-259-2250, ext.3306), FAX: (740-259-8542) Attn: School Nurse
Northwest Middle School- (740-259-2528, ext. 2102), FAX: (740-259-5731) Attn: School Nurse
Northwest High School- (740-259-2366, ext. 1348), FAX: (740-259-8544) Attn: School Nurse

Local Emergency Resources

The Daily Bread is serving free meals every day, currently the hours are between 4:30pm and 6:00pm

The Northwest Food Pantry will be open every Thursday during the closure from 11am to 1pm at Northwest Middle School. Due to growing concerns of spreading germs, NO ONE other than our group of volunteers will be aloud inside the pantry. We ask that everyone please stay in your vehicles.  Someone will come to you to sign you in and your food will be brought to your vehicle.

SOMC Northwest Family Practice


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Northwest Local Schools
Welcome to Northwest Local School, Home of the Mohawks.
"Preparing students to meet the academic, social, civic and career needs for a global society."
Emergency School Closing Procedure
Please click the file below to view our district School Delay and Closing Procedure

Upcoming District Events

Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement
Supporting Military Families
Military Family Resources
The students and staff of Northwest Local Schools appreciate the sacrifices made each day by our men and women in the military and their families. This page includes resources that may be helpful to military families who are transitioning to our school district.

Northwest Local School District Military Family Liaison
  • Amanda jones - Elementary School
  • Brett Wilson - Elementary School
  • Belinda Thomas - Elementary School
  • Steve Cunningham - Middle School
  • Tim Amburgey - High School

The Ohio Department of Education offers a number of programs to assist military families.
This article provides tips for parents to advocate for children who have been identified as gifted.
This website includes information and resources for parents, students and professionals who work with military-connected children. is college, workforce, and life-ready.

This website discusses topics such as child care, adoption, parenting tips and other strategies for military families.

Funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance, this program provides on-demand, online tutoring and homework help at no cost to eligible service members and their dependents.
View text-based website