Mrs. Alyssa Enz
Hello! Welcome to the library. My name is Alyssa Enz and this is my 19th year at Northwest. Prior to being a librarian, I taught first grade for two years at Jasper Elementary in Piketon, Ohio. I graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Development and Family Science, a Master’s Degree in Education, and a PhD in Language, Literacy, and Culture. I also received my library media license from Wright State University.
My husband, Chris Enz, is the high school art teacher. We have a son named Finn, a daughter named Harper, and a dog named Max. We all love being Mohawks and supporting our community!
Mrs. Angela Pyle
Hello, my name is Angie Pyle, the Northwest Elementary School library aide. I have been a Mohawk my entire life, and have worked as a personal aide in the middle and high schools since 2007. I made my way to the elementary in 2014 and have fallen in love with my job.
I’m married to Rodney, my wonderful husband, and we have 4 children and 5 grandchildren. I’m a self-professed “book nerd”, so the library is the place for me. I love sports and supporting my Northwest Mohawks!